Keith Simpson 69 Camp School Road
Wolfeboro, NH 03894

I am a software engineer and problem solver with extensive experience in all aspects of the Software Development Life Cycle.
    Languages: JAVA XML SQL HTML Javascript Unix Shell(sed  awk  etc.) C
Development: JSP Java Servlets J2EE Struts
Build/Release: ANT SVN CVS Hudson/Jenkins BuildForge Ivy Maven
Systems/Servers: Unix (LINUX SUN AIX HPUX) Websphere Tomcat Weblogic Apache  IBM MQ
DBMS: Oracle  Sybase  MSSQL  MySql

June 2017 - December 2019
Part Time IT Assistant, Town of Wolfeboro Town of Wolfeboro, Wolfeboro, NH

Aid and advise town employees and other stakeholders in town business and activities regarding computer systems and software.
April 2012 - Current
Software Service Startup, Wolfeboro, NH

Sole proprietorship of a service applying my many years of technical and business skills. employs various software automation processes to perform digitization, cataloging, and website generation of personal, public, or institutional historical records.
April 2008 April 2012
Senior Build/Release Engineer Bottomline Technologies, Portsmouth, NH

Build and Release Engineering of multiple products under an aggressive release schedule.
Developed build strategies in IBM Buildforge and Hudson/Jenkins build management tools. Developed scripts in ANT, Unix shell, and JAVA classes to extend tool functionality.
Led a successful conversion of source control for customer projects from Microsoft VSS to Subversion (SVN).
Helped create foundation upon which the company was able to expand its tier one customer base. Above projects also allowed for establishment of new initiatives for the team in continuous integration and dependency management utilizing Jenkins and Maven.
Role also required the automation of configuration and deployment of the products over 4 different operating systems (Solaris,AIX,Linux,Win), 3 different types application servers (Websphere,Weblogic,Tomcat), and Oracle database servers utilizing ANT, Unix shell, SQL, and Jython scripts.
Oct 2006   April 2008
Technical Trainer Bottomline Technologies, Portsmouth, NH

Developer training for new hires, business partners, tier one customers, and offshore resources. Create training strategies and curriculum for Bottomline's J2EE/Struts based application development framework and companion products. Training was an intensive 2 or 3 week program that includes lectures and lab work. I rewrote the training manual and lab workbook for the J2EE/Struts section of the course and gave the course several times in Portsmouth training center as well as in Pune, India and Melbourne, Australia.
Created Training Virtual Machines in VMWare containing all the tools and servers necessary to train and perform product development.
In addition to training duties, primary administrative support of a virtual machine lab of over a 100 machines. This not only involved administration and commissioning/decommissioning VMWare based virtual machines, but also product and server product (Oracle/MSSQL/IIS/Crystal Reports) administration.
Internet Services Manager, Build/Release Engineer, Java Developer SkillView Technologies, Plaistow, NH

SkillView Technologies (acquired by SkillSoft) created a J2EE skills management software product sold by subscription as an internet service or as an in-house intranet product and connects to several popular database servers. Installed at several fortune 500 companies.

Significant contributions to the product, including many system reports, integration Mail services throughout the product, and customizable application language (multilingual language resource bundles). Authored a Java based, multi-threaded web application performance testing tool for in-house use. My responsibilities:

  • Development of major product features, using Java, JSP, HTML, XML, JavaScript
  • Select, procure, install, configure, and administration of the production servers and services (Apache/Tomcat, Sybase on Linux).
  • Build and release engineering (CVS, ANT)
  • Select, procure, install, configure, and administration of code repository (CVS) and defect tracking system (Bugzilla)
  • Select, procure, install, configure, and administration of appservers (Apache/Tomcat, Jrun, Websphere, Weblogic) on Unix and Windows
  • Select, procure, install, configure, and administration of Oracle, Sybase, and MSSQL team test databases
  • Deploy to and maintain various team test environments using diffent combinations of above server middleware
  • Onsite installation manager for customer in-house intranet installations.
  • Data conversion (coalescing differing data schemas from varieties of sources)
  • Customer support

R&D Software Engineer/RDBMS Project Engineer Newpoint Technologies, Salem, NH

  • Production programmer for various C language clients with Tcl/Tk GUI front ends.
  • Researched and developed a client process integrating C language and third party library methods for storage and retrieval of process information, minimizing end-user administration and providing up to several million database transactions for analysis.
  • RDBMS design, application development, and implementation on Unix and WinNT platforms in process control installations. Required proficiency in Oracle and Informix administration and advanced SQL skills.
  • Engineered an Oracle database to track casting production of specialized metals plant, interfacing with Siemens PLC's, and greatly improving the accuracy and detail of production yield analysis.
  • Developed many other database applications including freight service management, professional time and project management, and a version control system.

Independent Consultant Radius Research, Wolfeboro, NH

  • Developed many RDBMS application programs, including Retail Propane Credit Management, Auction Management, Composite Financial Statistics and several Forestry programs.
  • Engineered a data driven, multi-user applications development tool that dramatically decreased development time of custom database applications. Among its features are entry points for user defined functions, very similar to Oracle Forms Triggers, and automatically generated user-editable online help and documentation.

Programmer/Analyst Echo Management Systems, Conway, NH
  • Project Leader for Client Tracking Systems and Development (Fund Raising) applications for not-for-profit organizations. Also worked on AR, POS, IC, GL, AP applications
  • Engineered front and back end of a subsystem for normalizing data entered into a database that reduced application development time and reduced update requests by 50%.
  University Of Massachusetts, Amherst - Liberal Arts
Several subsequent CS college courses and proprietary/non-proprietary software training seminars Completed Boston Univerisity Project Management Training in 2006
  US Army Veteran, Honorable Discharge

References available on request